A GRAND DESIGN FOR A GREAT CREATION The video clip Grand Design begins with the short narration of progress in science, from Aristocus to quantum physics, emphasizing recent steps toward a “unified theory of everything.” Stephen Hawking, an astrophysicist, claims that the origin of the universe was governed by the laws of quantum physics, because in the first moments of Big Bang the universe was a particle of “quantum” singularity size. Thus, Big Bang is an extremely unstable event, actually resulting in billions of universes of which ours is only one. Thus our universe, and it’s incredible fine-tuning that enables human life, is not really unique at all. He also claims that it is simply “spontaneous creation” that explains why the universe exists. I, as a seminarian, as a philosopher and as a priest-to be, must use my faculty to think to give a counterattack to their postulates. There are so many reason...